Tuesday 28 May 2013

Ceacht Baile 28.05.13

English Chap. 10 read
Spellings exchange, luggage, carousel, foreign
Gaeilge B.G.B. lth. 119 Paragraf 6
Litriú carraig, craiceann, fón póca
Briathar Rug mé lth 38
Maths p. 164 Q. 4 Finish
Tables 4 X,/

Tracksuits Tomorrow
School Tour Money  
Home Tomorrow at 1.20

Finishing Early Tomorrow!

School finishes tomorrow for the children at 1.20!!

Monday 27 May 2013

Ceacht Baile 27.05.13

Gaeilge B.G.B. lth. 119 Paragraif 4 & 5 le críoch
Litriú fothain, ag crith, domhain
Briathar Rug mé lth 38
English E.Y.E. p. 77 Finish
Spellings multimedia, email, traveller, cheque
Maths p. 164 Q. 1 - 3 Finish
Tables 4 X, /

School Tour Money
Tracksuits Tomorrow

School Tour

Attached is the letter with all the details for this year's school tour
School Tour Letter

Ceacht Baile 23.05.13

No homework

Ceacht Baile 22.05.13

Gaeilge B.G.B. lth. 118 Paragraif 3
Litriú ag cur allais, bealach, i gcruachás
Briathar Gheobaidh mé lth 37
Maths 8 examples from home
Tables 3 X, /
English E.Y.E. p. 75 B Finish
Spellings echo, volcano, patio, ratio

Tracksuit Tomorrow

Ceacht Baile 21.05.13

No homework

Monday 20 May 2013

Ceacht Baile 20.05.13

Gaeilge B.G.B. lth 118 Paragraif 1 & 2 le críoch
Litriú ceannaire, cosán, ag taitneamh
Briathar Gheobhaidh mé lth. 37
English E.Y.E. p. 73 A & B Finish
Spellings tomato, fiasco, potato, piano
Maths p. 160 Q 1 Finish
Tables 3 X, /

Sensitive Lessons Tomorrow

Thursday 16 May 2013

Ceacht Baile 16.05.13

Maths p. 159 Q. 10 - 12 Finish Tables 2X, /
English E.Y.E. p.69 A & B Finish
Spellings announce, ambulance, convince, fierce
Gaeilge B.G.B. lth. 117 J & K le críoch
Briathar Gheobhaidh mé lth. 37
Litriú carr chlós, príomh sráid, dainséar
S.E.S.E. 3 Recipes

Tracksuits Tomorrow
Sensitive Lessons Tomorrow After Lunch

Ceacht Baile 15.05.13

Gaeilge B.G.B. lth. 116 H & I le críoch
Litriú ionad siopadóireachta, nuachtánaí, gruagaire
Briathar Gheobhaidh mé lth. 37
English E.Y.E. p. 68 A & B Finish
Spellings purchase, increase, surface, bounce
Maths p. 159 Q. 7 Tables 2 X, /

Thursday 2 May 2013

Ceacht Baile 02.05.13

Gaeilge B.G.B. lth. 110 & 111 H & I le críoch
Briathar Faighim lth. 37
Litriú taitneamh, rang, seachtain
English E.Y.E. corrections & p. 71 B Finish
Spellings chase, sense, release, grease
Maths P. 157 Q. 3 Finish
Tables 9 X, /

Sign & Return Forms

P.E. Through Irish Project

Mary Immaculate College which is the teacher training college based in Limerick is conducting a research project into the use of Gaeilge during P.E. We have been asked to be one of the classes to take part in the research. As a result we need to get your permission and the permission of the children in the class to allow them to be included. It involves 2, 45 minute lessons based around P.E. and using Irish. There will be some interviews with the children and some tasks for them to carry out with the researchers. We will also have the researchers observing some of the classes we do. None of the children's names or details will be used in the research. The forms have been given to the children today, explaining the whole process and they also include the consent forms for you to fill out and sign. As always you are under no obligation to take part. Also, just in case you prefer to look at them online or have lost them etc. I've included them below. If you have any questions about it, fell free to get in touch

Child Information Sheet
Informed Consent Form for Parents
Parent Consent Form p. 1
Parents Consent Form p. 2

Ceacht Baile 25.04.13

Self Assessment Sheet

Ceacht Baile 01.05.13

Gaeilge B.G.B. lth. 109 D le críoch
Litriú saghas, tuairim, suimiúil
Briathar Faighim lth. 37
English E.Y.E. p. 63 C & 65 A Finish
Spellings enormous, numerous, picture, occurred
Maths p. 155 Q 1 Finish
Tables 9 X , /

Ceacht Baile 30.04.13

Níl aon ceacht baile

Monday 29 April 2013

Ceacht Baile 29.04.13

Maths p. 153 Q 1, 2 & 3 Finish
Tables 9 X, /
Gaeilge B.G.B. lth108 B & C Le críoch
Briathar Faighim lth 37
Litriú buaiteoirí, tuismitheoirí, foireann
English E.Y.E. p. 71 Corrections, p. 63 A Finish
Spellings marvellous, tremendous, fabulous, generous

Drama Workshop Tomorrow

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Ceacht Baile 24.04.13

English E.Y.E. p. 71 Q. A & B Finish
Spellings nervous, famous, jealous, dangerous
Gaeilge B.G.B. lth. 108 C. B 1 - 5 le críoch
Briathar Fuair mé lth. 37
Litriú ag díospóireacht, cur amú ama, duaiseanna
Maths Tables 8 X, /

Choir Full Uniform

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Ceacht Baile 23.04.13

English Novel Chap. 9 Read
Spellings conscious, suspicious, delicious, anxious
Gaeilge B.G.B. lth. 106 & 107 Léigh
Litriú clúdach, leabharlann, margadh
Briathar Fuair mé lth. 37
Maths Tables 8 X, /

Monday 22 April 2013

Ceacht Baile 22.04.13

Gaeilge B.G.B. lth. 106 & 107 Léigh
Litriú comórtas, filíocht, cuairt
Briathar Fuair mé lth.37
English Novel Chap. 8 Read
Ideas for play
Spellings envious, various, ambitious, precious
Maths p. 88 Q. 8 & 9
Tables 8 X,/

Test Copies Signed & Corrected

Friday 19 April 2013

Ceacht Baile 18.04.13

Gaeilge Briathar Rinne mé lth. 36
Litriú flaithiúil, mórthimpeall, ag lonradh
English Spellings forgotten, separate, serious, curious
Maths Tables 7 X,/
Finish Self Assessment Sheet

Douglas Com Drama Workshop 3.50 euro
Test Copies Signed & Corrected

Ceacht Baile 17.04.13

No Homework

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Ceacht Baile 16.04.13

Gaeilge B.G.B. lth. 100 B & C Le críoch
Litriú sliabh, ag marcaíocht, searbhónta
Briathar Rinné mé lth 36
Maths p.88 Q 1- 3
Tables 7 X, /

English Novel Chap 7 Read
Spellings sensible, audible, legible, divisible

Douglas Com Drama Workshop 3.50
Test Copies signed & Corrected

Monday 15 April 2013

Class Presentations

Abbie's Presentation
Andrew's Presentation
Caitlin's Presentation
Seán's Presentation
Tadhg's Presentation

Ceacht Baile 15.04.13

Gaeilge B.G.B. lth. 98 & 99 Léigh
Litriú ag caoineadh, múinteoir, fadó
Briathar Rinné mé lth 36
English E.Y.E. p. 61 D Finish
Spellings horrible, digestible, edible, visible
Maths p.88 Q 1- 3
Tables 7 X, /

Douglas Com Drama Workshop 3.50
Test Copies signed & Corrected

Thursday 11 April 2013

Reason for the Whiteboard Marker

We have a class set of whiteboards which we use for a number of activities such as Maths problems, English games etc. so when the children have their own markers it makes it easier for us to prepare, play and finish these activities.

Money Reminder

Every time money is collected for a school trip the children should receive a receipt to confirm i've collected the money!

Ceacht Baile 11.04.13

Maths p. 85 Q. 15 Finish Tables 6 X,/
English E.Y.E. p. 61 C Finish
Spellings noticeable, valuable, reversible, flexible
Gaeilge B.G.B. lth. 97 J le críoch
Litriú orainn, oraibh, orthu
Briathar Déan lth. 36

Whiteboard Marker
3.50 Bus Douglas Com, Drama Workshop

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Ceacht Baile 10.04.13

Maths p. 62 Q. 15, p. 85 Q. 8 & 9 Finish Tables 6 X, /
English 8 words into sentences finish
Spellings forgivable, flammable, remarkable, advisable
Gaeilge B.G.B. lth. 95 E le críoch
Litriú ort, air, uirthi
Briathar Déanaim lth. 36

Whiteboard Marker
3.50 Bus, Drama Workshop

Our life maps!

We worked on some of the things the children decided they would like to be when they are older and how they will achieve this. When we were ready we made a life map!

Some samples of work in Geography

Things to look out for

We are due to go to Douglas Com on April 30th for a drama workshop, which is why we need to collect money for the bus

Things to look out for

Digital Art Week  is coming up from the 15th to 19th April.
There's a dedicated web site for interested schools to visit and sign up.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Ceacht Baile 09.04.13

Maths p. 62 Q. 13 & 14 Tables 6 X,/
English Novel Chap 6 Read
Spellings available, enjoyable, comfortable, reasonable
Gaeilge B.G.B. lth. 95 D le críoch
Briathar Déanaim
Litriú gléasta, ag gléasadh, orm

Whiteboard Marker
3.50 for bus for Drama Workshop

Monday 8 April 2013

Ceacht Baile 08.04.13

English Sentences
Spellings social, official, country, trouble
Gaeilge B.G.B. lth 94 B & C le críoch
Litriú cuirim, cuireann tú, ní chuireann tú
Briathar Déanaim lth 36
Maths p. 85 Q. 1 - 5 Finish , p. 62 Q. 5 + 6 Tables 6 X, /

Whiteboard Marker