Thursday 2 May 2013

P.E. Through Irish Project

Mary Immaculate College which is the teacher training college based in Limerick is conducting a research project into the use of Gaeilge during P.E. We have been asked to be one of the classes to take part in the research. As a result we need to get your permission and the permission of the children in the class to allow them to be included. It involves 2, 45 minute lessons based around P.E. and using Irish. There will be some interviews with the children and some tasks for them to carry out with the researchers. We will also have the researchers observing some of the classes we do. None of the children's names or details will be used in the research. The forms have been given to the children today, explaining the whole process and they also include the consent forms for you to fill out and sign. As always you are under no obligation to take part. Also, just in case you prefer to look at them online or have lost them etc. I've included them below. If you have any questions about it, fell free to get in touch

Child Information Sheet
Informed Consent Form for Parents
Parent Consent Form p. 1
Parents Consent Form p. 2

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