Monday 27 May 2013

School Tour

Attached is the letter with all the details for this year's school tour
School Tour Letter


  1. im confused is the water going 2 b deep because i cant swim in deep water and i luv swimming

  2. Ok anonymous, try not to worry too much. You'll have a life jacket or buoyancy aid on you so you won't sink and you'll be able to swim with that on. If you still feel nervous then you can always discuss that with the instructor before hand, we could try and arrange for some other activity for you during this time while your group or the class is doing this. I know from last year there were a few children a little nervous about the water part too but all came back having loved it. You can always decide not to do it on the day if you don't feel up to it. Feel free to discuss it with me in school tomorrow too if you like
